Powershell call function with parameters in script

One of the Exchange Server administration tasks I perform almost every day is creating mailbox size reports. There are a few different reasons that I create these reports, such as planning a mailbox migration project, responding to a storage capacity alert for a particular database, or providing a specific team of people with a report of their mailbox sizes. Even worse, after running the commands to create a CSV report I still had to open that in Excel, remove the unwanted details, use Excel formulas to convert the values from bytes to megabytes, sort them into order, and so on.

Again not difficult, just boring after doing it hundreds of times.

Serge van den Oever [Macaw] - PowerShell: calling a function with parameters

So I created a PowerShell script, Get-MailboxReport. This script is available on the TechNet Script Gallery or Github. Comments are welcome below. If you find a bug please consider raising it as an issue on Github. Here is a video to demonstrate: I tried it and works smoothly. Before using this scripte i used to get the results manually by just entering the commands every time.

I have one query about the text file that we need to create for getting the results for particular users. I have one query on quota limit set as a default on those mailboxes where the actual mailbox quota limit value need to fetch from database.

So i need a powershell command for the mailboxes, where it shows actual quota limit set on database along with other attributes of mailboxes.

Hope you could understand my query. Please do the needful, would be a grateful to you. Can u make this script work with server parameter? So it can list all the mailboxes from the server at once. I modified your script and it works perfect. That script very useful, very well documented as well.

I have an issue where the powershel is preventing my from runnin gthe script. Keep getting an error …. Thanks for the work and the updates. I know that this will be used much by myself and the consultants I work with. Security Warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the Internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. Do you want to run C: At the moment I am trying to sort the resulting csv file via the script to put the mailboxes in order largest to smallest.

Could use some help getting this to work. The csv file generated is of 0 bytes. Well, I tested the -database parameter works with. It creates a blank 9 byte csv file.

Great report for Migrations. As I need the Alias to perform the migration, I have added this in the first column:. I did run this on a combined DC and Exchange SP3 Server — Enabled and Expires is blank. OK on other Exchange SP3 Server, so seems issue having DC and Exchange together.

Thanks again paul for an amazing time saver and also teaches me powershell i only had one issue when i ran it through ps dont know if it matters using -file i got cannot move something about distinguage name cannot be used or must be used: Thanks again Much appreciated. Yep, little bug I need to work on there. Works great, I just have a question… How can I do to find the right character in the csv file.

I m having in my exchange swedish names with those: Its not the right character, I would like to get on my csv file the swedish characters like: What am I doing wrong? You can see the help info by running:. I had already tried it that way but I ran it again. I get the same error. Can you help further? This is driving me nuts. I will watch the video as well. Great script, but I am seeing something odd when I use the -server parameter.

The number of mailbox objects listed in the EMC isbut when I use the -server parameter it only processes about or so, not the full To get around that for now, I am using a generated user. Any ideas why the difference? FYI I wrote a similar in concept script to generate Exchange mailbox billing reports in Excel directly.

While it is a slightly different focus than what you are doing in that it grabs all customer mailboxes or specific OUs, not databases or serversperhaps you could recycle the Execl logic in my script to dump your data directly into Excel spreadsheet where you have already pre-formatted the attributes the way you want which we also had to do and save yourself a step or two: Thanks for the great script Paul. It has a few other minor fixes as well.

What do i need to change the output file name to contain the server name it was run against? Can you please help with the line to run it on a batch file? I get Collecting mailbox list Collecting report data No mailboxes were found matching that criteria. Getting output below when running the scripts Collecting mailbox list Collecting report data No mailboxes were found matching that criteria. Hi Paul How can we use this script and add the User Mailbox Quota inso that it also shows in the csv file.

I have added those lines to get storage quota and if I run the script against 1 mailbox, I can see those values but when I run against a database, those values are missing from the export CSV file. Can only display it for one user but not for all in Mb. The issue is the Value. I got round that by setting up a conditional statement to test if the quota returns a value and attached to a variable and then calling that variable. This could be helpful. Go to line 75, and add this line underneath: Thanks BR — put doesnt the switch -mailbox, -database -server, etc specify where to pull the mailbox information from?

I am trying to pull all rooms from a database or server. The mailbox type us already included in the report, so you could just run it without modifications and use Excel to filter the data afterwards. Another way would be to generate the list of room mailboxes into a text file and use the -file parameter when running the script.

I have added one Ps1 file which is callinghaving one function. Can you help me to know, how to remove the Ps1 file and the function Get-Mail… in my exchange server environment. Help me to remove the function and PS1 file in safe manner. I followed this article to use get-databasestatistics function. I want to remove the new Get-Databasestatistics command from my exchange environment.

If I remove the ps1 file from the scripts folder, will this shell command get removed? Why on earth would you want to remove that cmdlet? You know you can restrict who can run what cmdlet, right? Can you add functionality to show whether Exchange Archiving is enabled and the Total Size and Total Items in the archive?

So far it seems the best way to check if archiving is enabled is to use Get-Mailbox Select-Object ArchiveDatabase. Someone please correct me if I am wrong though. A value of null means archiving is disabled.

I added some lines to the script and this worked. I do not normally post comments on any website, but I just felt I had to this time! Thank you — you have made my job about a milliontimes easier with this script…and such a simple thing it is too when you delve into it.

Why I had not thought of doing this sort of thing myself before I will never guess…but today, yes today Paul, you have made a new friend for life!

I am not familiar with Exchange. When I run the script I get these error: Can you help me find the missing links? Check the pattern and then try the command again.

No Windows PowerShell snap-ins matching the pattern 'Microsoft. The specified module 'ActiveDirectory' was not loaded because n o valid module file was found in any module directory.

Kalvin — it looks like you are running that script from within a regular PowerShell console. You either need to load the Exchange snap-ins into that console, or instead run the Exchange Management Shell version of the PowerShell console preferably IMHO. The Exchange Management Shell is installed on any computer you install the Exchange Administration tools on. I am actually running it remotely and I am not in Exchange admin group.

I have been given readonly access. Does that suffice or I need to do more? Kalvin, as HotFix says, you will only be able to run this script either from with in the Exchange Management Shell version of the PowerShell console on an exchange server or from a computer that has the Exchange Administration tools installed onto it.

You can use the following command to load the Exchange Management tools in a script though, if that helps or you have problems fiding the Exchange console.

This is brilliant, thanks e. Have you ever considered using a txt or csv file as input? After analyzing your script, I find my problem as it is. Can you suggest me a way where I can specify a TXT or CSV file as input for users? The script has a -file parameter for using a txt file as the list of users to generate the report for.

The txt file should contain the list of mailbox users in a format that would work with Get-Mailbox, so that could be alias, email address, display name, etc. Hi thank u a lot for your wonderfull script. I need to bublic it to may intranet site. How convert it in html formatted tablereport? We take the data from this script and it gets imported into a database for SQL reporting. It allows me to see weekly growth on mailboxes by department and user.

I totally recommend that if you have the resources available to you. Perhaps that might be more useful than simply dumping it into a html file, using a database and reporting services will let you track growth, find the heaviest mail users — and if your company is so inclined, charge accordingly.

Before I found this script we were going to spend a great deal of money on a reporting system that went through the Exchange server logs. This script coupled with SQL reporting has pretty negated that. I am quite interested in doing this. Could you or any one else shed some more light on it? I use the script that Paul kindly created with just a couple of slight modifications.

My copy of it is here; http: One change was the folder where it dumps the csv file. The other change was appending the date to the filename of the csv file to create a history. There is a scheduled task on our Exchange server that runs this script once a week. We then convert the. This excel file is then fed into the reporting database and then displays in the report when that is run. The report can be filtered by date, department etc so the majority of the work here was in the quality of the report created by our appsdev person.

It also drops down to show the users from each department and the size of their mailbox on those dates. So unfortunately my ability to help further is hindered by the fact that the majority of the awesomeness was done by our awesome report writer.

Obviously things will change for your environment such as the database name etc, also the file name is changed for each import as well. I hope that helps. Hi Bryan, thank you for your answer. I do not have a sql database but only a intranet webs erver where to publish the html report. I saw the codee like this:. I tried to insert in the following part of your script code but but I did not get the html table file:.

Thank you, this script has been very helpful! I do have one question that on an issue I see when I use it.

powershell call function with parameters in script

This happens to users that are in one specific domain which I can query with no issues in AD Management. Would anyone have any ideas on what I can do to resolve this? Please disregard my previous post. I found the answer to my issue only moments later.

I corrected the recipent scope and all is fine. Thanks for your help by providing this Scrip, However I have tried to us is from Exchange powershell and Windows Poershell and while trying to import it there is an error message:.

Hi Aziz, this is a script to run, not a module to import. Please review the article above again, read the built-in help for the script, or watch the video.

They all demonstrate how to run the script. Works like a charm. How did you get excel to sort the csv file automatically? Not entirely sure what you mean. Excel has a Sort button, I usually just use that. Is that what you meant? I want to be run powershell command for Send As permissions in exchange …. Modifications are fine, people should certainly feel free to tweak these scripts to suit their needs. Is it so your SQL import knows which day the stats apply to?

Great Stuff, is it possible to alter the script to display total mailbox size per user, currently it only displays, Item Size and deleted item size. Hi Paul, I ran your script, it worked fine, thank you. I summed the Mailbox and deleted items they added up to Gb, but my two edb files are 86Gb and 45Gb, any idea wat is using the extra 20Gb?

Db maintenace runs nightly. The AvailableNewMailboxSpace is the usual culprit though. Running this command will show you that stat for your databases:.

Thanks Exactly what i was looking for, Is it possible for you to add the option to email the report. Error initializing default drive: The script is not digitally signed.

Calling PowerShell Functions with Parameters

Can you get it signed. Here are the steps http: By executing the following command it is giving the full report.

In otherwords, the disabled date for all disabled mailboxes. Do you already know how to retrieve the disabled date for a mailbox, and just want to know how to incorporate that into the script? Do you have a fix for that? Hi Peter, someone else encountered the same problem and fixed it by adding the -encoding switch to the Export-CSV command towards the end of the script. Just wanted to drop a note of thanks for this script. Dont suppose you could give us a ZIP file of this script. We dont allow direct internet downloads of PS1 extentions.

I have an issue with the saved report. When using the report in Linux the file is being identified as a assembler file, not a text file. How can i fix this in the report generated instead of writing a workaround in my scripting language on the linux machine? But getting ambigous error. Can you please help me out in this.

Thanks for the great script. I modified the Total Item Size and Deleted Item Size ToGB because of the size of the mailboxes I am dealing with. I was wondering how I could format the values to 2 decimal place ex 9. I tried figuring this out on my own but I am a powershell noob. This article on number formatting should help: Is it possible to get this script to report on mailboxe sizes based on the Office the person s are located in?

I would encourage you to look at the script code. Look at how the parameters are defined. Look at how those parameters correspond with the Get-Mailbox commands. You should be able to quickly see how to add that functionality you want. Is there a way to suppress the first row? Aka, only having in data in the file and not the property name on the first line. The report runs through for the local domain where the Exchange servers are hosted, but throws errors about not being found on the Domain Controller.

I have a similar issue when I have to do exports and actually define the DC for the other child domain to pull an export. Any way this can be addressed in the script? You can modify those lines to specify a DC if you need to. The script is designed to ignore default scope and search the entire forest, so it should find any mailbox regardless of child domains.

At the end, it did what I really needed, so THANK YOU! The script is perfect the only thing that would make it even better for me is to include the following: Any chance you could do it? Thanx for sharing a script. Is there a solution to add another value for get-mailbox with prohibitsendquota option.

It would be usefull to get that info with all this usefull info. To setup a monthly mailbox report just create a cmd batch file with the following command line in it, then set it as a task on the exchange server to run each month:. Thank you much and great work as always. Anyone know a way to add the Sent Items to the report? ToMB to the PS object. The script runs fine but does not output the Sent Items value. I have customers who have multiple databases for their mailbox.

Is there a way to alter the -database paremeter to analyze all databases that begin with a specific set of characters?

I added these lines in the appropriate places in the script:. This allows me to report on a subset of my users regardless of what database their mailbox is in. It does take a while to gather the matching users before processing but if I schedule this and other variations to run at night it should not put a crunch on the server. I already run nightly scripts to set the proper value for CustomAttribute1 for users. I am trying to figure out how to get one more field added, all SMTP addresses aliases for all users.

How can I accomplish this. I typically do the following: Paul, Love the script…Is it possible to add Online Archive MB as a column?

Getting her late to the party but a very awesome script! Great dialog in the thread as well for situation-specific needs! Great information on all your posts. I have modified your script to give information on online Powershell call function with parameters in script if one is enabled. Had some trouble getting this to work. When you typed Get-M it autocompleted the rest for you, It did not do this for me, I tried typing out the whole command but kept getting an error that it could not find the script.

I had to type out. Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters. This script is great, a real time saver. I do have one question. We have 2 MB servers that are in a DAG. Any idea why only one would return full results and the other incomplete? That is probably because when I first wrote it there were no DAGs in the indian binary option trading I was working in.

The ServerName on a mailbox that is hosted on a DAG is misleading. Is there a way to break down the stats by simple trend following system forex range per mailbox? Items days, Size days, Items days, Size days, etc.? I guess you could use EWS to analyse the mailbox contents but I imagine it would slow down the script enormously.

Can the script be modified to include the active directory distinguished name ID and container? I would certainly encourage you to look at the code and modify the script to suit your own needs. I LOVE THIS SCRIPT! However, I recently ran into an issue that I am unable to figure out. If I run the script against my lab environment or most any other for that matter with Exchange SP3, I receive information for all of the headers….

But, Google play store installer (market v4.1.10 patched proper) ran into a situation where two of the headers do not show in the report. And these headers and info are quite important to how do you make money with tax liens our migration strategy.

The two headers that do not show are…. I am running the same command and the same switches using server name but the results are different in this particular environment. No errors but no CSV files appear. Command line looks like this: I am running this on the active mailbox server against a DAG in Exchange I must be missing something really simple!

My account is a domain admin and a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators. Identifying informed traders in futures markets can try adding myself to the Organization Management group to see if that makes any difference. Will update in a few. Here is an example of what I see in the EMS — the command seems to simply echo back but no CSV files or even errors or additional info is generated: One thing that I see is very curious.

So, I feel this is probably a typo. Active Directory server settings remained unchanged. Collecting mailbox list Collecting report data WARNING: After the user logs on, this warning will pros of investing in the stock market longer appear.

Report written to MailboxReportrFbV8. Todd, Thank you very much for all of your replies. Yes, there was a typo that you picked up. And you see the results. Tried another download to another directory with the same results. Permissions are all fine. I am running Exchange SP1 rollup 8 on Windows Server R2 Datacenter with SP1 and powershell V1. Tools directory newly created directory with permissions rechecked:. Security warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer.

R Collecting mailbox list Collecting report data No mailboxes were found matching that criteria. Database names in the DAG are DAGDB1 and Shooting star meaning forex candlesticks. Paul, that was exactly the problem I was having. Running it strictly from the EMS works perfectly. Todd and Paul, thanks again for all your help.

Great stuff and great script! Thanks for this script Paul. It works princess cruises work from home well, and is a great foundation for learning more PS Exchange scripting techniques.

I have a question the spreadsheet that is created with the -all parameter. I am being asked about the items column. What do the numbers in that column relate too. I need to use this script with -Server parameter, want to schedule stock market bulls script to run on specific time and generated. CSV file should automatically sent to desired SMTP address.

Your help to configure it. I did, however, run into a weird thing. I simply ran the -all condition to get as much info out of our Exchange environment as possible. So far, we only have company executives Archive enabled, fearing the DB would grow out of proportion if it were enabled for all users. I could add that to a future version, but I really encourage people to feel free to customize the scripts to suit their own needs.

It is a good way to learn PowerShell if you are not already experienced with it. Thank you for this great script. I am trying to tweak the powershell to get it to show me the StorageLimitStatus but cannot seem to get it to work. The heading shows up on my CSV, but I get no data. The two lines as I have them in my code are as follows:.

Thanks for the great script — works like a charm. Can you point me in money makes happiness essay right direction to add two extra columns? Paul — thanks for this — I am wondering about running this script in very large environments. I am presently working in an environment with over 80, mailboxes and the script is taking a very long time to run in excess of 4 hours and the working set RAM after 4 hours forex trading lies 7 GB.

Objects cannot be added to a closed buffer. Make sure the buffer is open for Add and Insert operations to succeed. In a similarly sized environment where I developed early versions of that script I never ran it for the entire organization in one go because yes, it takes forever, and yes, it eats a fast way to make money gta online amount of RAM.

Instead I would run it using the -Server or -Database parameters to just get the specific info I needed.

In the interest of full disclosure — i will say that the changes I made do NOT improve the functionality memory use, etc. I wonder if it is possible for this script to run for only the users with hidden mailboxes? Paul — thanks for this wonderful script. I have used it over the past 2 years now on a number of deployments that i have done and clients are really appreciative of this. I however have been trying to run the same script on an Exchange deployment, the script runs fine except that I do not get information on the StorageLimitStatus.

My understanding that there has been changes made to the store and Exchange Server Information Store does not cache the values of mailbox quotas. I am not the best at powershell and have seen that there are ways to get around this but have not been successful.

Is there a chance that you will update this script so that it would work on Exchange ? Seems like Get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails sharedmailbox -Resultsize unlimited with parameter totalitemsize is not valid. So the answer dingley village mini golf trading hours to pipe the output from Get-Mailbox into Get-MailboxStatistics.

When i run this script on windows powershell i have the problem, please help. Hashtable-to-Object conversion is not supported in restricted language mode or a Data section. All I can suggest right now is that you run it using the Exchange Management Shell, as that works fine. But if we run on Windows Powershellit will be faster in Exchange Management Shell. I tested with windows r2. The WinRM client sent a request to forex anna nagar remote WS-Management service and was notified that the request size exceeded the configured MaxEnvelopeSize quota.

This only happens on some users. When this happens, the csv file will be missing info related to Title, Department, Office, OU. After the CAS is restarted eg for patching the issue goes away.

A workaround is to connect your EMS to a different CAS. I modified this script by adding a parameter for CustomAttribute1. This allows me to get a report for customer even though they have multiple databases. It seems to be consistent. Thank you for this very useful script! Is there a way to add a column for Retention Policy? Retention policy is returned by Get-Mailbox. The script already pulls some of the info from Get-Mailbox, so you should be able to look at the code and see how to add other attributes as well.

I am looking for something how to make money with berkshire hathaway collects similar stats but for ActiveSync Get-ActiveSyncDeiceStatistics while combining some user AD fields such as their office location etc.

Do you have anything in the works for something like that? You could probably mash the two of them together to get the overall results you need.

Hi Paul, thanks for the script… I was looking for a similar tool and this seems to fill my needs. But I have a tough time running it. This error is printed on the console after: Collecting mailbox list and after Collecting report data. I confirmed powershell is 2. Make sure you are running the script while logged on to an Exchange server using the Exchange Management Shell.

I have to add: This is one reason that I tend to keep my database names short and without any spaces in them, eg DB01, DB02…. How to use this script with selected database more 2 database? The out put has 2 columns, Total Mailbox Size Mb and Mailbox Size Mb. What is the difference between them, other than the numbers that are reported? Is the first number including white space and the second the actual mailbox size? PaulGreat Script, Hats up for you. The script run great with in powershell window with all the parameters defined.

Any idea how to execute this script from. Net C with command line arguments like -all-server etc. Any Help will greatly be appreciated. This is a brilliant script. Are you able to detail how to automate emailing this out as a scheduled task? I can see no Email To parameters within the script, I would love to get this sent to me automatically each week.

The script gives error if I use it with out any parameter on the power shell command. It works fine how to make kaju katli at home video I use parameters. Thanks for creating such a great script. You can get it at the same links in the article above.

Thanks for your reply Paul, Yes the script is written to require a parameter but Stock broker omaha want to know if there is way to run it without parameter, Since you are a developer of the script I am requesting you to let me know how to run it without param as I am using it in my application which does not accepts any parameter and the design of my application is such a complex one which cannot be changed.

You help will be highly appreciated. When I run the script, regardless of what parameter I use, it does nothing but reloads the PS window. Am I missing something? Are the management tools installed? Checked your execution policy? Is the downloaded file itself blocked? Exchange SP2 UR7 How are employee share options taxed on one of future of the stock market in 2016 vs 2016.5 Exchange Boxes so the Management Tools are installed.

Script Unblocked and execution policy set to Unrestricted. Also tried with a remote PS session from my Windows 8. I downloaded the new version and it will not run with any parameter.

Gives message that file or all or not parameters. Alright, installed an Exchange server and found the bug. Anyone experiencing that issue should grab V1. Let me know if there are still any issues. Hi Paul, the script is running brilliantly when Online mini forex account uk manually trigger it via Powershell, however when I run the script from a Batch its popping up with the following message:.

Operation is not valid due to the current stat e of the object. Are you able to assist? We are currently migrating from Ex to Ex Not sure if this causing the issue. I am trying to work out how you would write a script, which you can run against users to see how much email item count and file size they have over a certain age. The reason I would like this would be to work out which users to enable to Exchange Archiving first and justify what space we will recover.

My guess would be that this can only be done with something horribly complicated like EWS, but maybe you could suggest something I could use to write this that I am missing? If we could have a script that would look at a mailbox and say that items that are 1.

This script works perfect and getting report in the email if i use commands. I need to some help to configure this script in schedule task. Can you provide the steps to schedule this script in schedule task to get this report in the email in weekly or monthly period. Thank you for your script Optionetics options trading. Im having rouble running it though and am new to this.

Which I am doing of course. Its referencing the -All or -Server parameter. Its Exch and im running from the server. I get the same error for each of the valid parameters.

No mods and im confident its not the script. Rather the way I am calling it. I was using quotes around the script name but not this time. Disregard my last Paul. I am trying to run the script on an Exchange server Windows Server an continue to get Import-Module: You could install the Exchange management tools and the AD module on your workstation, or a management server, and run it from there.

Can you tell me how you schedule this powershell script in schdeule task to farmville farm cash generator free download the does the government manipulate the stock market in email on weekly basis.

If you just need to know when all the mailboxes were created, you could do a simple command like get-mailbox select Name,WhenMailboxCreated. For whatever reason, the script is only returning a report, on the screen, for one user. And it always reports that one, and only one user.

I have used both the e-mail and filename options, neither work. And are you running it from an Exchange Management Shell or from a remoting session? Calendar effects in stock market returns list of cmdlets: Get-Command Only Exchange cmdlets: Get-ExCommand Cmdlets that match a specific string: Help Get help for a cmdlet: Show quick reference guide: QuickRef Exchange team blog: Get-ExBlog Show full output for a command: You can choose what information to return when you view Help by using the Detailed, Full, and Examples switches:.

COM Failed to connect to an Exchange server in the current site. Enter the server FQDN where you want to connect.: Connecting to exchange WARNING: Collecting mailbox list Collecting report data. Home Office Total Mailbox Size Mb: False Email Address Policy Enabled: False Hidden From Address Lists: False Use Database Quota Defaults: True Issue Warning Quota: DOMAINuser Primary Mailbox Database: EXCHANGE Archive Mailbox Database: Beginning to suspect something wrong with PS?

However, other Exchange PS commands do work. Maybe the script is getting blocked. I have done that too. Odd thing is that the first attempt fails, but second attempt succeeds.

A directly from GitHub and B from the actual download — same result regardless. Had too many open connections at the console level. Knew it had to be something, stupid…. This is because Windows runs Powershell 4. When it tries to import the AD cmdlets, they are not compatible since the script is looking for 2. We had to run it from an Exchange shell on a Windows 7 workstation, not the server itself which was Is it possible to start the script and select only user in my OU?

Ok guys what am I missing here? I have Exchange cu8 running on Server r2. When I try to run the script I that the output displayed below. But if I run this on an Exchange cu10 on Server not r2 it runs fine. Is this because of r2 or am I missing something. Not all parse errors were reported. Correct the reported errors and try again. No if I copy that same file to the server it runs fine but on the r2 server it does not.

We are running Ms. Exchangeand running more user with big size attachment when sending email via outlook and seamonkey, and the user mailbox is always full. And we alwayas delete the user mailbox that get full, and re-create the user mailbox, and here we need help, how to reduce or remove the full mailbox without to remove the user mailbox?

The user could just delete some unwanted mail. Is there any way to add the retention policy applied in the output of this script and the mailbox features that are enabled? Thanks for providing this great tool. I wanted ask if there other parameters that could be used to pull stats for mailboxes within a child domain? We have a root domain that contains several child domains. Is there a way for your script to just search for users of single domain? Just look for the line with the Get-Mailbox cmdlet and modify that to what you want.

Just wanted to know if it includes as well a way to detect if a userA had tried accessing a userB mailbox? Do you think that this is something that could be integrated by any chance? Just wondering if there was an easy way of adding the mailbox quota size as a heading on the top 10 email form?

How can I check whether the mailbox is active or not for a list of email addresses in a text file using power shell?

You might find it easier to use the TechNet Script Gallery link instead. I need to keep stats on mailboxes relative to their retention policy. I have a one year retention policy, excluding contacts, calendar, tasks and drafts.

I want to report on any mailboxes that have data beyond the retention policy. Can just get the mailbox size of data over a year, that would include data in the excluded folders.

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Everything else is as expected. Is it me doing something wrong or do I need to modify the script to work? That part relies on the Active Directory PowerShell module. I am running from my local Windows 7 machine with RSAT installed. I remotely connect PS to one of our mail servers. I am able to run other scripts with no issues. But when I run. There is no error. No file is created. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, hopefully you can tell me how to correct it. First, many thanks for another fantastic script!

The script runs fine and dumps the csv format report in the directory. Personally, I run these types of scheduled scripts from a separate management or monitoring server. Plus, you could try sending the report to a distribution group. That is an internal email address, so it should be accepted, and it can contain contacts for external addresses. I am running the script from my laptop. Regardless, if you want to run it on your workstation, have you installed the Exchange management tools on it?

The script is also running and I get most of the info for all my users — just not the about about sizes and so on…. My user did not have enough rights.

I logged on my computer with Domain administrator and then I got all relevant information. Hey Paul I getting error unable to relay email, after completion of script. And how to add two different database names i.

I ran the report, and it worked great. You have item counts for the mailbox. But could you add item counts for the Inbox, Sent Items and Deleted Items folders? My report takes over 3 days to run, i only have about mailboxes. Only one time i ran it, it ran in 4 hours. Thanks for the script, however this month it will not run!

When I go to run the script all I get is …. I am trying to add a umenabled field to this report. I have been able to add other fields, but having issues with this. Also tried ummailbox with the same result Any ideas?

Great script by the way Thanks Doug. I get a get-mailboxreport-error log of: The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. Where all addresses are internal Where smtp. I will have to create a distro group and send it there. Thanks for this work!

I added some code to add two additional fields: This is a nice scripts for day to day administration. But i am facing a problem. While i get the report i found Account Enabled and Account Expires column blank. Nothing is found for this two column. Please help me to solve the issue. This is a nice script for day to day administration. I have below modules are installed in my exchange mailbox server from where i am executing the script.

How can we have the script run against a specific OU to retrieve the details of users belonging to a specific OU only. Actually what need is all mailboxes including the one which migrated, discoonected, softdeleted, disabled.

I just cant get this script to run on our exchange server Im just using it as explained in your video. No matter with what switch i use it just gives me back these lines. Have you ever run it as a scheduled task? Are you using the Exchange management shell or a remote PS session? Name Value —- —— CLRVersion 2. Use the name of the database, e. The database name is whatever you see when you run Get-MailboxDatabase.

Could you please help me with the script where the quota emails triggers to admin when any users reach the quota limit. This script is amazing! I was wondering if there is a way to report on mailbox items that are less than 30 days old? In other words, total items and size for the most recent 30 days, discarding anything older than that.

I took exact same script to run on different machine that is running Windows powershell version 2 and exchange powershell version 2 and it runs fine. Does this mean this script Get-MailboxReport. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

Major Minor Build Revision —— —— —— ——— 4 0 -1 How to email with multiple recipients in one string instead? Make it a default value of if you want. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Office for IT Pros Exchange Server Troubleshooting Companion Migrating to Exchange Server Exchange Exam Exchange Boot Camp Exchange Boot Camp. Exchange to Migration Exchange to Migration Exchange to Migration Exchange PowerShell Scripts Office Books Exchange Server Books Digicert SSL Certificates.

Skip to content Search for: Home About Blog Books Training Subscribe Advertise Contact. Use only one parameter at a time depending on the scope of your mailbox report. RELATED LINKS For more script details, a video demo, or to give feedback please go to: For more information, type: For technical information, type: Generates a report of useful information for. Use only one parameter at a time depending on the scope of. For more script detailsa video demoor to give feedback please go to: To see the examplestype: For more informationtype: For technical informationtype: Paul is a Microsoft MVP for Office Servers and Services.

The PowerShell function – Parameters, data types, return values – 4sysops

He works as a consultant, writer, and trainer specializing in Office and Exchange Server. Paul is a co-author of Office for IT Pros and several other booksand is also a Pluralsight author.

ExchangeExchangeExchangeMailboxesPowerShellReportingScripts. Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Service Pack 2. Update Rollup 6 for Exchange SP3 Released. November 1, at 8: Display name, alias, or UPN should work. I usually just use display name. July 5, at 3: Hi Paul, I have one query on quota limit set as a default on those mailboxes where the actual mailbox quota limit value need to fetch from database. November 21, at 9: Hi Paul, Can u make this script work with server parameter?

November 21, at Many thanks Paul, Sorin. March 5, at February 7, at February 8, at 6: Not with this script, but perhaps with a script that utilizes Exchange Web Services. February 8, at February 7, at 8: Hi Paul, That script very useful, very well documented as well. February 7, at 9: Paul I have an issue where the powershel is preventing my from runnin gthe script. Its early in the morning here………………. Hi Kevin, try changing your execution policy to unrestricted.

Hi Josh, it is written for PowerShell v2. February 8, at 2: Getting this error message. February 8, at 7: Which version of Exchange? Still getting this message: R I ran Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.

May also need to right-click the downloaded file, and in properties unblock it. February 8, at 3: September 13, at 6: February 8, at 5: That will happen if no mailbox info could be retrieved. Ah yep, see comment above. Try removing -ignoredefaultscope from the line: February 8, at 8: February 9, at Hi Paul, Great report for Migrations. As I need the Alias to perform the migration, I have added this in the first column: February 9, at 1: February 9, at 7: February 10, at Is it a parameter to add?

February 10, at 6: February 10, at 8: April 3, at 5: February 10, at 9: Ah, I understand now. February 10, at 1: Hi Christa, probably two ways you could do that.

February 17, at 8: I keep getting the following error: You can see the help info by running: February 18, at Scripts I take it?

February 25, at 2: February 25, at Are all the mailbox users in the same domain in AD, or different domains? February 29, at 2: March 10, at 1: I recently tried the updated version and that seems to work just fine. February 29, at 5: March 1, at 2: ExchangeReportExport Cheers from Aus, and thanks again Shane. March 6, at March 6, at 6: You can use the -filename parameter to specify your own file names. March 9, at 1: March 9, at 8: March 10, at 4: March 13, at March 13, at 1: March 14, at 8: I have added these as well: June 21, at 4: Hi ShaunH, I have added those lines to get storage quota and if I run the script against 1 mailbox, I can see those values but when I run against a database, those values are missing from the export CSV file.

I have also added the values of BR Thurr and they are present in the CSV Any idea? August 7, at 2: BKK-Mac did you get this solved eventually? January 17, at 9: March 14, at 1: Tim, Go to line 75, and add this line underneath: I tested this and it works. March 15, at 2: Unless I am missing something. March 17, at March 16, at March 19, at Many thanks for this script, saved me many hours and lots of fingernails!

March 23, at 5: Hi Paul, I have added one Ps1 file which is callinghaving one function. March 24, at 9: March 25, at 6: Kindly advice Thank you. March 25, at 7: March 26, at March 29, at April 5, at 1: Once again, thank you mate! April 6, at 6: String [I Please Help! April 10, at 9: May 3, at 7: May 9, at May 4, at May 22, at 6: Could u modify the script to add html export? Thank you very much.

May 23, at 8: David, do you have SQL reporting services available to you? Anyhoo, there IS a ConvertTO-HTML option you can use with PowerShell, this link may help. May 31, at Hi Shane, how is this done? June 23, at 3: July 3, at 5: CRAZY IT guy says: Hi Shane, Can you please provide the code to import excel file to SQL reporting DB server.

July 6, at 9: Hi CRAZY IT guy. May 23, at 5: I saw the codee like this: I tried to insert in the following part of your script code but but I did not get the html table file: June 21, at 3: Each time I run it I see a number of errors saying the following.

GetUser This happens to users that are in one specific domain which I can query with no issues in AD Management. June 29, at 9: Thanks for your help by providing this Scrip, However I have tried to us is from Exchange powershell and Windows Poershell and while trying to import it there is an error message: June 29, at OOOh, YES, I have tested and it is working perfectly ….

July 4, at Excellent script, thanks for sharing! July 9, at 9: July 5, at 4: Hi Paul, I want to be run powershell command for Send As permissions in exchange …. July 6, at Thank you Paul, that did the trick. I now have 2 variables.

July 24, at 8: July 24, at 1: Hi Paul, Great Stuff, is it possible to alter the script to display total mailbox size per user, currently it only displays, Item Size and deleted item size. July 31, at 4: The script is awesome Sir and so are you of having written it! August 2, at Hi Peter, A few articles that may help you determine what is using the extra space. Running this command will show you that stat for your databases: Get-MailboxDatabase -Status ft name,databasesize,availablenewmailboxspace -auto.

August 6, at 9: Hi Paul, Thanks Exactly what i was looking for, Is it possible for you to add the option to email the report. August 7, at 5: August 13, at Paul when i run the script I get: August 14, at August 16, at Hi Paul, How can i get output of EmployeeType and EmailAddresses in this script. August 22, at 4: September 13, at 4: I have mailbox, but i am getting only September 13, at 5: September 24, at 8: September 24, at 9: September 25, at 9: September 25, at September 27, at 1: September 28, at September 29, at 9: October 5, at 3: October 5, at October 20, at Maybe try playing around with the -Encoding options for Export-CSV.

October 16, at 6: I gave the command as follow. October 19, at October 21, at Paul, Thanks for the great script. October 23, at November 29, at 1: October 25, at 3: Hei Paul, Is there a way to suppress the first row? October 25, at 9: October 31, at November 2, at 3: November 2, at 8: November 6, at 5: November 6, at 4: November 9, at 8: Great script outside of a couple minor suggestions. If the script requires a specific version of PowerShell; include the following: November 10, at Great Script, i love it….

I am new in Powershell World. Change the Export-CSV line in the script to include the -Delimiter parameter. November 11, at November 15, at 7: December 4, at 1: December 14, at To setup a monthly mailbox report just create a cmd batch file with the following command line in it, then set it as a task on the exchange server to run each month: December 29, at 8: January 17, at January 18, at 6: I added these lines in the appropriate places in the script: This is a really nice script that is well documented and I truly appreciate it.

February 13, at 8: Thanks for the help! February 15, at 1: At about line add these lines: February 21, at 3: February 22, at 3:

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