London currency brokers ltd

London currency brokers ltd

Author: VioletShadow Date: 29.06.2017

Richard Fennelly, director at London Currency Brokers Limited, Basildon

The DirectorStats database includes one person called Richard Fennelly. Born in December Richard Fennelly is 69 years old.

We located 37 filings mentioning Richard.

Examples of these filings include an officers category filing filed on the 8th of April , an annual return filing filed on the 13th of June , and "an accounts" category filing filed on the 24th of January This British national has held one position so far - at London Currency Brokers Limited address: This director worked with: Samuel Sidney Dicker in London Currency Brokers Limited, Michael Oldale in London Currency Brokers Limited, John Cyril Blowes, Roger Lane, Madeleine Patricia Dicker.

Richard was appointed for the position of director at London Currency Brokers Limited on the 31st of May The company started its operations on the 3rd of April under the ID Terms of Use and Privacy Policy This website features public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.

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All the data we provide on Directorstats. Even if we're doing our best to offer updated information, some of these databases will still display erroneous or incomplete details.

We're constantly working to provide you with an even better service, but it's best to simply treat the data displayed on the platform as the first step towards a more thorough research. Home Search Directors list Company Search Richard Fennelly Basildon, age Money Broker Richard Fennelly. Richard Fennelly, Money Broker from Basildon.

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London Currency Brokers Limited Occupation: Money Broker Appointment Date: May 31, Address: Albans AL2 1RT United Kingdom Date of Incorporation: Richard Fennelly Date of Birth: British Country of residence: Basildon SS15 6BB Essex Update: Company name Role From To London Currency Brokers Limited director 31 May current.

London Currency Brokers Limited Company details.

london currency brokers ltd

Albans AL2 1RT United Kingdom. On Richard Fennelly director's details were changed. Other directors Steven Fennell London, age 48 Susan Fennell Sevenoaks Peter Fennell Broadstairs, age 73 William Fennell Eastbourne, age Rachel Fennell Bristol Liam Fennell Edinburgh, age 56 Andrew Fennell Amersham, age 55 Raymond Fennell Reading, age Basildon SS15 6BB Essex.

Albans AL2 1RT United Kingdom Standard Industrial Classification: On Richard Fennelly director's details were changed 2 pages. Period up to - Annual return with full member list 6 pages. Period up to - Annual return with full member list 7 pages.

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Period up to - Annual return with full member list 8 pages. Period up to - Annual return with full member list 10 pages. Period up to - Annual return with full member list 9 pages.

london currency brokers ltd

Period up to - Annual return with full member list 4 pages. Period up to - Annual return with full member list 5 pages.

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